Techie Youth

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Mission of Techie Youth

Techie Youth's mission is to create economic opportunities for at-risk youth, teens in foster care and low-income individuals facing challenging life situations, by utilizing technology-skills training to establish financial self-sufficiency and long-term career stability. Our emphasis is on redirecting the life-path of youth and young-adults who are on a track towards homelessness or incarceration.

Our methods provide each participant with opportunity & attention; this is our core ideology that is implemented by every Techie Youth staff member.

Specifically, we provide youth with a highly-tailored accelerated education in computer-technologies, hands-on training and individualized coaching to guide them towards a lucrative technology-driven career, and empower them to become financially self-sustaining career professionals.



Who are the Techie Youth participants?

Techie Youth focuses on teenagers and young-adults who are experiencing unusually-challenging life situations such as:

  • Kids from biological-parents who neglected or abandoned them, or had their parental rights legally terminated
  • Homeless & runaway youth living in domestic violence centers, homeless shelters, FEMA-housing or on the streets
  • Youth in foster care group-homes (akin to orphanages) and residential treatment centers
  • Pregnant & parenting teens and aged-out former foster youth who live independently without family or support

What do students receive upon completion of the Techie Youth program?

Graduates of Techie Youth receive a certificate of completion followed by ongoing 1-on-1 professional career coaching and technology job & paid-internship opportunities that are exclusive for Techie Youth graduates.

Thanks to our generous donors, graduates in some Techie Youth locations are rewarded with a free laptop, premium tickets to sporting events and other perks. Some of our New York City youth are granted an hourly salary for their time spent in our program.

Please consider sponsoring additional benefits for our youth- LEARN HOW YOU CAN HELP NOW!

Who is eligible to enroll in the Techie Youth program?

Any youth who is in foster-care or who has recently aged-out is eligible. We also accept all youth who have genuine dire-need to establish a life-changing career in tech; many of our students are homeless-youth, underage single-mothers, transgendered or LGBQ, in juvenile justice "2nd chance" programs, etc. Applicants must be old enough to be legally-employed.

How can youth get enrolled into Techie Youth? Sign up online right now!

Who are the kids in foster care?

Most are just regular kids who were born into an irregular environment of severe abuse and/or neglect.

The video on the left is just a sample of the 100,000+ kids in the US foster care system.

Are foster care kids juvenile-delinquents who cause crime?

No, kids who commit crimes are typically in the care of their state's juvenile detention system; children in the foster care system are innocent victims of their parent's irresponsible actions. Techie Youth serves both foster care and juvenile justice youth.

Youth who spend all or most of their adolescence in the foster care system without consistent positive parental guidance often end up following negative-influences that lead them to commit criminal actions, but they did not start out this way and the Techie Youth program is designed to prevent that from happening before they succumb to it.

What will happen to kids who don't enter the Techie Youth program and age-out of foster care?

  • - Within 1 year nearly HALF of the girls will become pregnant
  • - Within 2 years 1 in 4 will be incarcerated
  • - 1 in 5 will become homeless

What is the ultimate goal of this program?

To improve the world at a grand-scale by increasing the productivity of the next generation

What inspired the Techie Youth initiative?

The motivation was derived from observing other people's random acts of selfless kindness

Techie Youth logoTechie Youth is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit registered charity of NYC
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