Techie Youth

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Mission of Techie Youth

Techie Youth's mission is to create economic opportunities for at-risk youth, teens in foster care and low-income individuals facing challenging life situations, by utilizing technology-skills training to establish financial self-sufficiency and long-term career stability. Our emphasis is on redirecting the life-path of youth and young-adults who are on a track towards homelessness or incarceration.

Our methods provide each participant with opportunity & attention; this is our core ideology that is implemented by every Techie Youth staff member.

Specifically, we provide youth with a highly-tailored accelerated education in computer-technologies, hands-on training and individualized coaching to guide them towards a lucrative technology-driven career, and empower them to become financially self-sustaining career professionals.


Techie Youth

We help foster kids and at-risk youth become self-sufficient

Our mission is to utilize tech-education to redirect
youth facing homelessness, incarceration or similar

  • Over 80% of homeless people
    were formerly youths in foster care
  • Foster-care youth aged 18-21
    "age out" of the system and are essentially abandoned to be on their own in the world without any preparation or guidance
  • 25,000 youths age-out each year
    most end up living on the streets or in jail, drug addicted, involved in crime...
  • It is never the kids' fault
    most enter foster care due to severe parental abuse or extreme child neglect

Nearly-100% of aged-out foster youth drop out of school, have no parental/adult guidance, no life skills, no qualifications and no means of sustainable living.

Techie Youth is a NY-based 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity with a mission to fix this situation.

Techie Youth logoTechie Youth is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit registered charity of NYC
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